Arz kiya hai? Humne suna tha zindagi imtihan leti hai, Humnesuna tha zindagi imtihan leti hai, YAHAN TO IMTIHANO NE hiZINDAGI LE LI hai.

Funny exam dp for whatsapp

Best funny exam memes pics

Exam memes that makes your girlfriend laugh

Funny exam meme about exam day

Funny exam dp

Exam sarcasm images

Guzray howey Exaams ko Yaad na karna..!!
Answer sheet main jo likha hai uski Faryad na krna,
Jo Hoga wo to Hoga..!!
Uski Fikar main Apney HOlidays barBaad Na Karna:)

Best Funny Exam Memes Pics

what’s d difference
between people who
pray in temples and people who
pray in exam centres ?
Those r damn

The shortest relation
in life is between
Student & Books.
They get commited couple
of Days before exam.
After exam..
Break Up…..

If U pass in exams:

Mom's words:
Bahut khushi ki
bat hai !

Dad :
Mere beta sher
hai !

Lover :
So sweet..

Frnds :
Dhokebaaz, kaminey,
oye ! kab pada be tune
itna ?

KINGFISHER EMPLOYEE:Sir for the past 15 days not a single bottle has been sold !
VIJAY MALYA:Call all the universities and ask them to announce results.

Hey Friends
I'm Switching Off My Cell Due 2 Xams As I Have 2 Work Hard.
Plz Contact Me After
15 Mins
Tab Tak Mera Bhoot Utar Jayega

It is time 4 EXAMINATION..
study with CONCENTRATION.,
English with PUNCTUATION...
Maths with CALCULATION..
Chemistry with COMBINATION
Now where is time 4 RELAXATION

HEIGHT of COOLNES: Finishing the paper, coming out of the exam hall, having a Cold Drink & asking ur friend: "Dude, which paper was it?"

If a Girl Gts 90% Mark Her Response
"Kamina 2 Marks Or De Deta To Uska Kya Jata"
If a Boy Gts 35% Marks He Says
"Check Krne Wala Bhagwan Tha Yaar"

Ye Soch k Hum ne Exam k Dinon Mai larkey Phansai FARAZ,
Har Kamyabi k Peeche Aurat ka Haath Hota Hai. :-)

Na moh na maya hai
Aalas tumhi ko aaya hai
Baith ke chaar panne palat lo beta
Final paper girlfriend ne nahi banaya hai!!

Special offer..Bring a chit on exam day,
scratch and show it to your nearest teacher and
win free trip to Principal's office and enjoy 3 years vacation at home.
Hurry offer valid until exams only..

Human brain is the most outstanding object in world. Itfunctions 24hrs a day, 365days a year. It functions right fromthe time we are born, and stop only when we enter the examinationhall.

To be a "Good professional", always start to study latefor "Exams". Because it teaches how to manage "Time" andtackle "Emergencies"

My nights are going sleepless, my days are going useless. SoI asked GOD, "is this love?". GOD replied, "no dear, result isnear".

Samunder bhar syllabus hain,
Nadi bhar padh pate hain,
Balti bhar yaad reheta hain,
Mug bhar likh pate hain,
Chullu bhar number aate hain,
Aur usimein doob kar mar jaate hain

Here is fun craker for student exams to make you and your friend go on laugh. Here are funny exams sms, best funny exam memes pics, exams memes for whatsapp, funny exam dp for whatsapp to beat exam stress and anxiety. Read and share exam humour, prank, meme to make fun during exam days.