FRIENDSHIP is not HISTORY to forget!
not MATHS to calculate! not a LANGUAGE to learn!
Its only the CHEMISTRY that reacts between 2 Heart..
Analysis of relation:
1: Dad- advic & scolds
2: Mom- lov & care
3: Sis & brother- affection & fight & company
4: Lovr- hurting&lov ing
5: Frnd- all the above
Frnds r like sketch pens They color our lives.
I may not be ur favourite color, but u will need me somewhere 2 complete ur
"I value my friends more than I value my life..
So when I say u r my friend, it's just as gud as saying u r my life.."
Gd Mrng, Hav a nice day
Jabse tumse dosti ki hai
Raat ko
Din ko
Subah ko
Sham ko
Khate waqt
Pite waqt
Sote waqt
Jagte waqt
bahut bura haal hai
i miss u lot
Keep the lamp of friendship burning with oil of luv
bcoz sun rise in east & sets in west but frndship
rises in HEART and sets after DEath
Sumtimes in Life,
V think v don’t need anyone;
But sumtimes V won’t have anyone wen V need sumone.
So have the best one’s always with You!
F+R+I+E+N+ D+S+H+I+P=108
So Friendship is double stronger than Love
Dosti ke riste bhaut lambe hote he,
pata ni kaha tak chalege,
do kadam tum chalna, do kadam hum chalenge
Bad me auto kar lenge.
Tip of the life: 2 things to be Remembered in Life
1st-Don"t take any Decision when U R angry
2nd-Don"t make any promise when U R HAPPY
7 is great number.
Because 7 colours makes RAINBOW.
7 swaram makes MUSIC.
7 day makes a WEEK.
& 7 letters make FRIENDS.!
A close friend is like a rainbow,
when the perfect amount of happiness & tears are mixed,
the result is a colourful bridge between 2 hearts.
Good Friendz r like Tom & Jerry..
Sometimes small Fights & craps keeps them apart,
but they always come back together to run a long episode.